Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan
This tour of the Silk Road “Stans” takes you through Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan in just two short weeks. Designed specifically for those looking to dip toes into each destination rather than explore in depth, this itinerary ensures luxury and comfort along the whirlwind route, as well as seamless logistics in a part of the world that can be tricky to country-hop without expert guidance. You’ll experience a highlight reel of Central Asia, touching down for exquisite architecture, modern and ancient history from Alexander the Great through to the post-Soviet present, and rugged natural landscapes. Five countries, eight cities, 14 action-packed days.
- Architecture: From Turkmenistan's "City of White Marble" to the blue-tiled mosques of Uzbekistan, to the remnants of Soviet rule in surviving statues of Lenin - a journey through Central Asia is a fascinating lesson in how history shapes cities.
- Following the Silk Road: This extensive network of trading routes connected Europe to the west with Asia to the east, and the Stans were at the heart of it. By traversing this region, you're following in the footsteps of a legacy spanning over 2,000 years.
- Iskanderkul Lake: Named for Alexander the Great, this natural wonder is buried deep in the Fann Mountains and renowned for its serene turquoise water, which perfectly reflects the surrounding peaks.